Top 10 Upcoming Us Missiles
Here is the list of Top 10 Upcoming Us Missiles, Major nations have been racing to build new missiles, some of which can travel at hypersonic speeds and have large ranges. The United States is developing new missiles to replace their older ones, and these new missiles are unquestionably versatile, with the ability to be used for both precision conventional strikes and nuclear missions. Let’s take a look at the ten most lethal missiles that the US will be developing in the near future.
List of Top 10 Upcoming Us Missiles
1. AGM 183 ARRW ( Upcoming Us Missile )

The first is the AGM-183 air-launched quick reaction weapon, which is a hypersonic cruise missile produced by Lockheed Martin for the US Air Force. The AGM-183a is a boost-glide weapon with a stated maximum speed of Mach 20 and an operating range of around 1 600 kilometers or 1,000 miles.
This hypersonic missile will be carried by bombers such as the B1, B2, and B52, as well as the future B21 raider, and will be pushed to hypersonic speed by a rocket on which it is mounted before gliding towards a target.
2. SM-6 GLCM ( Upcoming Us Missile )

The sm-6 Ground-Launched Cruise Missile (US GLCM) is a variant of the standard missile sm-6 designed to bridge the gap between precision strike missiles and long-range hypersonic weapons. In November 2020, Lockheed Martin was awarded a 339 million dollar contract to produce the missile by 2023. The sm-6 GLCM can swat down air-breathing threats such as aircraft and cruise missiles over long distances.
3. JASSM-XR/AGM ( Upcoming Us Missile )

While also possessing terminal ballistic missile defense capabilities, Lockheed Martin initiated research on an upgraded wing in March 2016, with the goal of increasing range even more. The JASSM-XR, originally known as the AGM-150ad, was awarded a contract in September 2018 to manufacture an extreme range variant of the AGM-158. The weapon would weigh roughly 2 300 kilograms and have a range of 1900 kilometers with a 910-kilogram payload at a unit cost of 1.5 million dollars. A new missile control unit, improvements to the wings, a different paint coating, an electric safe and arm fuse, a secure GPS receiver, and program protection requirements are all included in the missile.
4. MARITIME STRIKE TOMAHAWK ( Upcoming Us Missile )

The marine strike tomahawk is a modified version of the tactical tomahawk land assault cruise missile that can destroy surface ships at distances of up to 1,600 kilometers. The missile’s primary duty will be to keep the Chinese navy’s surface force at bay in the South China Sea. It will be equipped with improved navigation and homing capabilities, allowing it to knock out targets at long ranges with incredible accuracy. The new missile will be deployed onboard surface ships and submarines by 2023, according to the US Navy. The hard-target kill model will include an improved warhead capable of destroying enemy assets that are densely constructed.
5. AGM-181 LRSO ( Upcoming Us Missile )

Raytheon is a company that specializes in technology. The AGM-181 long-range standoff weapon, which will replace the AGM-86 ALCM, is a nuclear-armed air launch cruise missile. According to defense publications, the US Air Force may buy over 1000 LRSO missiles, each with a range of more than 2400 kilometers. The LRSO will be fired from a variety of aircraft, including the B-52 bomber and the Northrop Grumman b-21 stealth fighter. The LRSO program’s purpose is to develop a weapon that can penetrate and survive integrated air defense systems while also pursuing vital targets. It is projected to reach initial operational capability in 2030.
6. AGM 88G AARGM-ER ( Upcoming Us Missile )

The AGM 88g double AARGM-ER comes next. This is a new form of the AGM double ae missile with many enhancements aimed at increasing operational range and survivability. It is supposedly twice the range and speed of the AGM-8e, giving it a range of roughly 300 kilometers and a top speed of Mach 4.
The USAF eventually joined the program, which was working on internal F-35a f-35c integration, and chose the twin ARGM-ER as the foundation for the ground assault standing attack weapon, which is anticipated to enter service in 2023.
7. GRAY WOLF ( Upcoming Us Missile )

The gray wolf comes next. The United States Air Force Research Laboratory has awarded Lockheed Martin a 110 million dollar phase one contract to develop and demonstrate the gray wolf, a future subsonic cruise missile being developed by the United States Air Force to counter integrated air defense systems using networked collaborative operations technologies. The Gray Wolf technology demonstration, developed by Lockheed Martin, will be a low-cost counter IAD missile capable of operating successfully in highly contested settings. It is projected to be operational by 2025.
8. PRECISION STRIKE MISSILE ( Upcoming Us Missile )

The precision strike missile is a next-generation low-risk long-range surface-to-surface missile developed for the United States Army’s PRSM program. Armies will be able to destroy a range of adversary threats with the new ballistic missile, including missile launchers, air defense systems, troop assembly staging locations, and command and control centers. It would also be capable of devastating objects up to 499 kilometers away utilizing missile-delivered indirect fires. In 2023, the precision strike missile is planned to have its first operational capability.
9. LRHW ( Upcoming Us Missile )

The long-range hypersonic weapon (LRHW) is a surface-to-surface hypersonic missile designed for deployment by the United States Army. The LRHW is a ballistic missile that will accelerate a standard hypersonic glide body warhead to the speeds of Mach 5. The missile, which can be launched from land or sea, is expected to enter army service in 2023. The long-range hypersonic weapon will be deployed by the US army in an eight-missile battery incorporating four M983 vehicles. The weapon will be deployed on Zumwalt-class destroyers by 2025, followed by block 5 Virginia-class submarines in 2028, according to the navy.

Finally, the ground-based strategic deterrent, or LGM 35ac sentinel, is a US land-based intercontinental ballistic missile system in the early stages of development slated to replace all four 15-minute man 3 missiles in service with the US Air Force from 2027 onwards. The new missiles, which will be in service in over a decade from the late 2020s, are estimated to cost around 86 billion dollars over a 50-year life cycle in March 2019.
For GBSD, the w87 mod 1 thermal nuclear warhead was chosen to replace the w78 warhead used in Minuteman 3.
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