Top 10 Fastest trains in the world – Train Top Speed Record

France holds the world record for a traditional wheeled passenger train, which is set in 2007 on a 140-kilometer stretch of track, while Japan holds the record for magnetic levitation trains. China dominates and has the fastest passenger trains. Top 10 Fastest trains in the world.

According to statistics, France and Japan are currently in second and third position, respectively. In today’s article, we’ll show you images of the fastest train speed ever reported, regardless of whether it’s carrying passengers, a prototype, or a field test, so let’s get started.

Here is the list of Top 10 Fastest trains in the world:


#10: SNFC TGV SUD EST ( Fastest train )

  • TRAIN MAX SPEED: 186mph ( 300kmh )
  • RECORDED TRAIN TOP SPEED: 236mph ( 380kmh )

At number ten, we have a French high-speed tgv train that was withdrawn last year. The trainsets were semi-permanently coupled and consisted of two power cars and eight passenger carriages, with a maximum speed of 380 kilometers per hour.

#9: ERT 1000 ( Fastest train )

  • TRAIN MAX SPEED: 224mph ( 390kmh )
  • RECORDED TRAIN TOP SPEED: 242mph ( 390kmh )

The ERT 1000, ranked ninth, is a high-speed train operated by Italian state railway operator Italia. It was built between 2013 and 2017 and has a total passenger capacity of 457. During trials in 2016, the train reached speeds of over 390 kilometers per hour.

#8: SIEMENS VELARO ( Fastest train )

TRAIN MAX SPEED: 250mph ( 403kmh )

At number eight is SIEMENS VELARO –  SIMENS VELARO is a family of high-speed electric multiple unit trains built by Siemens and used in Germany Belgium France the united kingdom the Netherlands Spain china Russia and turkey in 2006 it broke the record of the Best and fastest unmodified Best in Class ac train set in the world over 403 kilometers per hour.


#7: CRH 400 ( Fastest train )

  • TRAIN MAX SPEED: 220mph ( 350kmh )
  • RECORDED TRAIN TOP SPEED: 260mph ( 420kmh )

Number seven is the FUXING HAO cr400. China Railway operates a network of high-speed and higher-speed emu trains. With a peak speed of 350 kilometers per hour, it is the world’s fastest conventional high-speed train in regular service. One of two CRH models, the cr400af bf, could achieve a top speed of 420 kilometers per hour.

#6: SNFC TGV ATLANTIQUE ( Fastest train )

  • TRAIN MAX SPEED: 199mph ( 320kmh )
  • RECORDED TRAIN TOP SPEED: 300mph ( 482kmh )

The TGV Atlantic is a class of high-speed trains used by SNFC in France, and they were designed by Alstom between 1988 and 1992. They were the second generation of TGV trains, following the TGV southeast in 1989. The TGV Atlantic reached a maximum speed of 482 kilometers per hour.

#5: CRH380AL ( Fastest train )

  • TRAIN MAX SPEED: 186mph ( 300kmh )
  • RECORDED TRAIN TOP SPEED: 302mph ( 486.1kmh )

CRH-380AL is ranked number five. In commercial operation, the crh380a is planned to travel at a cruising speed of 350 kilometers per hour and a top speed of 380 kilometers per hour. During a trial run, the longest 16 car train set achieved 486.1 kilometers per hour, surpassing the original 8 car train set’s peak speed of 416.6 kilometers per hour.

#4: CRH380BL ( Fastest train )

TRAIN MAX SPEED: 236mph ( 380kmh )

RECORDED TRAIN TOP SPEED: 303mph ( 487.3kmh )

Crh380bl is number four. On December 5, 2010, the train set achieved a top speed of 457 kilometers per hour. On the 10th of January 2011, a crh380bl set a new record speed of 487.3 kilometers per hour, smashing the previous record of 487.3 kilometers per hour held by the crh3.


#3: SHANGHAI MAGLEV ( Fastest train )

  • TRAIN MAX SPEED: 267mph ( 430kmh )
  • RECORDED TRAIN TOP SPEED: 311mph ( 501kmh )

The third is the Shanghai Maglev – The Shanghai Maglev is a monorail train that uses magnetic levitation to achieve 350 kilometers per hour in two minutes, with a maximum regular operating speed of 431 kilometers per hour achieved afterward. In 2003, during a test run prior to commercial operation, the Shanghai Maglev topped out at 501 kilometers per hour.

#2: SNFC TGV POS ( Fastest train )

  • TRAIN MAX SPEED: 199mph ( 320kmh )
  • RECORDED TRAIN TOP SPEED: 375mph ( 574.8kmh )

On April 3, 2007, a train using both TGV pos power cars set a new world speed record for traditional rail travel. The train hit 574.8 kilometers per hour, and on February 13, 2007, it set an unofficial speed record of 554.3 kilometers per hour as part of a sequence of increasingly faster runs that resulted in the official record attempt.

#1: LO SERIES MAGLEV ( Fastest train )

  • TRAIN MAX SPEED: 310mph ( 500kmh )
  • RECORDED TRAIN TOP SPEED: 375mph ( 603kmh )

The lo series maglev is at the top of the list. The Central Japan Railway Company is developing and testing the lo series, a high-speed maglev train. The trains will run at a top speed of 500 km/h, taking 40 minutes to travel between Tokyo and Nagoya and one hour to travel between Tokyo and Osaka. and seven minutes to travel between Tokyo and Osaka. A seven-car experimental lo series train set a land speed record for rail vehicles of 603 kilometers per hour on April 21st, 2015.




Top 10 Fastest Bullet Train in the World

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